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EndNote allows you to import PDFs to your Library, and will automatically create an associated record with bibliographic details.

  • Go to the File menu and select Import and then File, for a single PDF, or Folder, for a folder containing multiple PDFs.
  • If importing a folder, you can select to include files in sub-folders and also to create a Group Set into which your files will be added in EndNote.
  • Click Choose and navigate to the folder on your computer which contains the PDFs.
  • With the import option as ‘PDF’ select Import.
  • The bibliographic details of the articles are completed for you where possible.
  • Always check the reference. Any missing data can be added manually.

EndNote can be set up to import from a selected folder on your computer automatically:

  • Go to the Edit menu and select Preferences and then PDF handling.
  • Check the option Enable Automatic Importing and select your folder by browsing.
  • From the options at the top of the dialogue box, you can also choose to have the files re-named automatically upon import if you wish.

PDFs added to the folder selected will automatically import to an Imported References group in EndNote. The Imported References group is a temporary group that is replaced each time you import another set of references. It is removed when you exit EndNote, although the references remain in the library. It is advisable to move your imported references into a Group, or they will remain in the Unfiled group.