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There are occasions when you may need to add a reference manually, where it is not available from an online source.

  • With your library open, go to References then New Reference
  • Enter all the information you have for the reference.

Please note the following:

  • Reference type: The default reference type is ‘Journal Article’. Click on the drop down box next to the reference type that is displayed to choose a different one. The fields available for that reference type will change accordingly.
  • Authors: Each individual author must be entered on a new line. Names can be entered in the format Bloggs, Joe or Joe Bloggs. If there are no commas, EndNote will treat the last word as the last name. Anything before the first comma is treated as a last name; anything after the first comma is treated as the given name. For corporate authors, enter a comma at the end so that EndNote understands there is no surname or initials. e.g. British Medical Association,
  • Year of publication should go in the year field.
  • When you have finished entering the information, click Save.